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电话: 0769-87885132
姓名: Sophia Deng

  YICK CHOI PRINTING & SUPLIES CO. Our company was founded in 1996. This is part of the YICK CHOI printing materials supply company. At present, Our company has possessed two branches. Were MINGWAY Printing Co., LTD is located in Foshan city, Guangdong province, the LEE LAM Printing Co., LTD. is located in Ninghai city , Zhejiang province .We started imports and exports Pringting business in 2005. Specializes in producing color printing products, such as all kinds of label ,instruction book and hang tags etc. Our company insisted to the sustainable development strategy and has established a complete set of management system. Our company has been keeping continual technical innovation,...

主要产品/业务: Adhesive label , packing box ,blister card, garment tag

YICK CHOI PRINTING & SUPLIES CO. / 广东 / Shahu Industrial Zone,Tangxia Town,Dongguan City,Guangdong P (525725 ) / 电话:0769-87885132

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